Invitation Breakfast Meeting – Handling innovation in NANOMEDICINES: regulatory challenges and opportunities in modern health

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On behalf of the European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines, we are delighted to invite you to a Breakfast Session on:

Handling innovation in NANOMEDICINES: regulatory challenges and opportunities in modern healthcare

Nanomedicines are an emerging product class in the health sector which has been gaining increasing attention in academia and research over the past twenty years. It has the potential to provide personalised, yet more affordable, healthcare while at the same time offering better quality of life for the sick and injured, opening up numerous potential pathways to improving medical diagnosis and therapy. However, there is a need to establish robust regulation that is fit for purpose, such as the creation of harmonised definitions across Europe and development of protocols for their characterization, evaluation and pharmacovigilance oversight once an NCE is marketed.

This meeting aims to discuss the appropriateness of the current regulatory approval process for nanomedicines and their follow-on products, with an analysis of the potential implications for policymakers, regulators, payers, physicians and patients. We would like to encourage a meaningful political participation and policy action suggestions which would be designed to boost research and innovation. In addition proposals to develop and amend the existing regulatory framework and to enhance priority areas for the development and evaluation of nanomedicines.

The breakfast meeting will be kindly hosted by MEP José Inácio FARIA (EPP, Portugal) and will take place on Wednesday 20 March 2019, from 8:00 to 10:00, in the Members Salon of the European Parliament (Brussels).

Please get more insights on the programme and speakers brochure.

Stay tuned for future updates!