Articles from August 2008

Shoppers more likely to buy their medicine online than wallpaper

A survey by Webcredible has found that 25% of people who shop online have bought or would buy prescription only medicinesfrom the internet. Shockingly, the survey revealed people were more likely to buy medicine online than cars, diamond rings and wallpaper.

Webcredible director, Trenton Moss commented: “That fact that more consumers seem to be prepared to buy prescription drugs online than simple DIY items like wallpaper and garden sheds is a worrying finding and pharmaceutical organisations must use the Internet to advise consumers on the dangers of this” (14 August 2008, PharmaTimes).

Pharma Secure Chain 2008

Lock Down Security against Counterfeit Medicines: Protect your Revenue and Reputation
October 21-22, 2008 • Thistle Marble Arch, London, UK

‘Industry needs to know NOW how to prevent their pharmaceutical market being affected by counterfeit drugs from synthesis to patient.’

“The US based Centre for Medicines in the Public Interest predicts that counterfeit drug sales will reach US$ 75 billion globally in 2010, an increase of more than 90% from 2005.” – WHO Benefits Pharma Secure Chain tackles this issue head on, looking at national and international markets, delving into how the pharmaceutical industry regulators, customs and law enforcers are working together to reduce the risk of counterfeit medicines entering the supply chain.

Join Pharma Secure Chain for two days of discussion and debate as to the best approaches when it comes to strengthening and securing the pharmaceutical supply chain.

Why should you attend?

  • Update your knowledge of important industry legislation and regulation
  • Maximise available resources to explore new avenues for a tactical approach to counterfeit medicines
  • Network with industry experts and peers to learn how to overcome concerns you experience within the supply chain
  • Identify specific vulnerabilities that can be addressed to mitigate the risk of counterfeit medicines infiltrating your supply chain

Speakers include:

  • Michael Deats, Group Manager, Enforcement and Intelligence, MHRA
  • Jean-Marc Bobée, Chairman of the Efpia project for coding and identification of pharmaceuticals in Europe, EFPIA
  • Jim Thomson, Chair, the European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines
  • Heinz Kobelt, Secretary General, European Association Euro-Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Rachel Hodson-Gibbons, Head of eProcurement, NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency
  • Mark Davison, VP Global Pharmaceuticals, SICPA


  • Conquer regulatory challenges by drawing lessons from the MHRA anti-counterfeiting strategy to improve security programme
  • Develop a strategic plan to protect your products through exclusive practical knowledge insights: Learn how Johnson & Johnson developed a brand protection plan for a new product launch
  • Improve your route to a secure supply chain by assessing the risk of counterfeiting, diversion or tampering of a new product
  • Combat the threat of the internet by injecting safeguards to protect product and patient safety with updates from Novartis
  • Develop a best practice layered approach against the threat of counterfeiting, manipulation and diversion by exploring a range of industry strategies and adapting them to your own needs
  • Engage in lively debate on how parallel distribution and a safe supply chain can co-exist and its impact on your company

Visit for updates on the speaker faculty, details of the conference agenda and more booking discount offers!

Call: 44 (0)207 368 9300
Fax: 44 (0)207 368 9301

Pharmacist prosecuted by the MHRA for illegally importing and selling Viagra

A pharmacist from Worcester Park in Surrey, UK, has been found guilty of importing the erectile dysfunction medicine Viagra from Pakistan. Mr Hitendra Patel was fined £3,000 and given a £200,000 confiscation order by Kingston Crown Court for illegally selling and supplying the drug to the UK and US markets following a prosecution by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

“The MHRA will take action against people illegally supplying medicines to the public and will strive to maintain the integrity of the supply chain,” said Mick Deats, group manager of enforcement at the MHRA. (31 July 2008, PharmaTimes, UK)