International Institute for Research Against Counterfeit Medicines (IRACM) launches a new awareness campaign on counterfeit

«It’s all fake« is the new message that the institute is seeking to promote in the next step of the nationwide campaign launched in France on 1 July 2015 through the dissemination of an information booklet to make people aware of the fake medicines available on internet that are also bought when travelling.


According to Legitscript, of the 331,430 websites monitored that sell healthcare products, 94.3% are selling pharmaceutical products illegally! On seeing these figures, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that public health and security are threatened by the illegal trade of fake medicines on Internet. All countries with access to Internet are targeted by unscrupulous traffickers who sell medicines at very attractive prices, whose contents are not guaranteed and which can cause serious damage to the health of those that take them. 

It’s all fake! 

The new IRACM campaign is aimed at social networks, specialised websites and blogs. It comprises a short film showing a family purchasing different products on Internet. What are the results? Are these medicines reliable? The messages are clear and the film is funny. The aim is to create a buzz via social networks and to reach people of all ages all over the world.

 Please feel free to disseminate this amongst your colleagues and friends and if you would like further information please contact the IRACM Communication department by clicking here