Please find the presentations of the educational workshop “Nanomedicines in the EU: Innovative Therapies and Regulatory Needs”, 7 December 2022.
- Mike Isles, EAASM
- Jon de Vlieger, PhD, NBCD Working Group, Lygature
- Prof. Paola Minghetti, University of Milan
- Katherine Tyner, PhD, US FDA
- Prof. Anthony Serracino-Inglott, Malta Medicines Authority
Please find the presentations for the (virtual) media briefing co-organised with WHO ‘Medication errors: the most common adverse events in hospitals. It’s time to act!’, 13 September 2022.
Please find the presentations of the Parliament (virtual) roundtable debate co-organised with MEP Tomislav Sokol (EPP, Croatia) and MEP Dr. Joëlle Mélin (France, ID) “The Urgent Need to Reduce Medication Errors in Hospitals to Prevent Patient and Second Victim Harm”, 22 March 2022.
- Mike Isles – EAASM
- Dr. Neelam Dhingra – WHO Patient Security Flagship
- Dr. Neda Milevska Kostova – IAPO
- Peter Walsh – AvMA
- Ian Lindsley – EBN
- Richard Price – ECCO
- Prof. Maurizio Cecconi – ESICM
- MEP Dr. Joëlle Mélin – European Parliament
Please find the presentations of the Parliament (virtual) roundtable debate co-organised with MEP Vitanov (S&D, Bulgaria) “Nanomedicines and nanosimilars: the medical need for a centralised EMA regulatory process”, 30 November 2021.
- Mr. Mike Isles, EAASM
- Prof. Dr. Scott E. McNeil, University of Basel
- Jon de Vlieger, NBCD Working Group, Lygature
- FIP Dr. Josep M Guiu
Please find the presentations of the EU Parliament meeting co-organised with MEP Faria (EPP, Portugal) “Improving patient safety with the FMD in the hospital pharmacy, status of implementation”, 19 February 2019, EU Parliament.
- European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP)
- France
- Germany
- Spain
- UK
- European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO)
- Finnish Medicines Verification Organisation (FiMVO)
Attendance at the EUIPO Observatory working groups. ASOP EU asked to chair a networking session and present in Plenary on “how greater cooperation with Intermediaries can support a safer Internet ” , 26-27 September 2018.
As a possible precursor to the planning of the new EUIPO Expert groups, ASOP EU /EAASM were asked to run a networking session with many Intermediaries such as Amazon to garner ideas on how Intermediaries on the Internet can collaborate more. The results of the workshop were presented in the Plenary session on the next day. The presentation can be found here.