
About the EAASM

The European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines (EAASM) was founded in 2007 with the clear objective of fighting against counterfeit medicines and promoting patient safety around Europe.

Combating counterfeit medicines requires the coordinated effort of all the various public and private stakeholders who are affected and are competent in addressing the different aspects of the problem. Wherever this problem is discussed, the call has been for co-ordination and collaboration. The EAASM aims to make that happen.

Mike Isles is the Chair and also the Executive Director of the EAASM

Following a successful career in the life science industry Mike joined the EAASM in 2010. His experience in pharmaceutical supply chain and his background in medicines and their development places him well to champion all matters relating to patient safety. Mike has published a number of articles relating to falsified medicines and he has been a keen supporter of the Falsified Medicines Directive. More recently the EAASM has also focused on patient safety relating to off-label usage of medicines, medication errors and nanomedicines and nanosimilars.

The EAASM includes members and supporters from both independent and industry backgrounds, and we make sure there are never more funding partners than non-funding partners.

The actions of the EAASM are approved by the Executive Board which consists of eight members: six independent and two pharmaceutical industry representatives. They ensure that the EAASM remains focused on its stated objectives and takes independent decisions.

The EAASM is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is registered in the Republic of Ireland Companies registration office number 707234. This legal entity structure allows us to specifically carry out patient safety work that benefits the community or the wider public interest.