
European Medical Association officially joins ASOP EU and EAASM

Mike Isles was invited to attend the General Assembly of the European Medical Association (EMA) by the President Vincenzo Costigliola. Mike was also given the opportunity to present the aims and objectives of the two organisations to the audience present.

The General Assembly took place within the Acute and General Medicine Congress which hosted the first European Medical Association Annual Conference.    

The European Medical Association was created in 1990 by doctors from 12 member states, and was established as an “international foundation pursuing a scientific aim” according to the Belgian law dating 25/10/1919. It is a unique, independent non-profit organisation, which offers every European Community doctor the opportunity to: join a European network of doctors, add a European dimension to their professional and social life and actively influence the development of European healthcare.

In terms of collaboration with ASOP EU and the EAASM, plans are under way. As an example, an educational leaflet for patients informing them about the dangers associated with falsified medicines is being progressed. This has the potential to be effective in raising awareness across the EMA network and thus enhance patient safety greatly. In addition, EMA website visitors can click on an icon which routes through to an education website in 5 languages about falsified medicines. This website mirrors those that are currently part of the extensive Google AdWord campaigns running in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. 

Mike Isles and Vincenzo Costigliola.jpg
Mike Isles and Vincenzo Costigliola